Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Writing a Conclusion

· Sankar, P. (2006). What is in a cause? Exploring the relationship between genetic cause and felt stigma. Genetics in Medicine, 8, 1, 33.

This conclusion initially summarizes the findings of this study. The interesting phrase for this part is “But data from our study suggest…” and “…, what these findings suggest is…”. Moreover, the author stated the importance of this research again and suggested some implications of his results. We can infer from the phrase “Because…, it is important to consider what implications this research might have for…”.

· Duncan, R. E. (2004). Predictive genetic testing in young people: When is it appropriate? Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, 40, 11, 593-595.

This conclusion stated the current problem and recommend for further research. We can infer from the sentence “Currently empirical evidence is so lacking that we are not capable of either corroborating or refuting such a default position.”, “Empirical research must be priority. Qualitative research is vital…” and “Only in this way can we begin to develop…”.

· Should We Allow Genetic Enhancement?

This conclusion recommends for practice and policy about germline engineering. We can infer from “…the landscape of international operational policy and United States' domestic policy are currently in a state of flux…”, “Ultimately, the United States will have to make a legislative decision in the near future, or risk the private sector dictating the next steps.”.

This conclusion restates the aims of the article. We can infer from “The proposal is to…”.

· Simoncelli, T, & Steinhardt, B. (2005).California's Proposition 69: A Dangerous Precedent for Criminal DNA Databases. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 33, 2, 279-293.

This conclusion summarizes the content of the article. We can infer from that the whole part was devoted to summarizing what the author said in the previous part.

· Verlinsky, Y. (2005). Designing babies: What the future holds. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 1, 10, 24-26.

This conclusion summarizes the findings from this research and their significance. We can infer from “We created…”, “So we have their permission to create stem cell lines, which will pmvide a source of cells helping to create newt herapies for existing disease.”, and “…we could make…”.


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