Homework Assignment I

Title of article : Genomic Medicine – A Primer
Author : Alan E. Guttmacher, M.D., and Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D.
Page : 3 - 13
Originally published : The New England Journal of Medicine, November 7, 2002
The authors have explained specific details about the history of genomic medicine since 2001 when scientists discovered all of the 3 billion-base pairs in human DNA, the most important human genetic material, until now when we have the great amount of the biomolecular medicine information. Moreover, the authors have given some of the applications of the genomic medicine for not only the treatment and the therapy, but authors have also looked insight into the protection of many hereditary diseases, the diseases that can transfer from parents to their offspring via genetic materials. They have accumulated a great amount of specific knowledge related to genetic-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and so on. This article has provided much knowledge in many aspects. It has not only given a great deal of useful knowledge in the field of Genetics, but this article have also provided many interesting points about an English writing skill as well.
Like other formal articles published in journals, “Genomic Medicine-A Primer” has been composed of three sections – of course, an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. For an introduction, the authors have composed it by using a general-to-specific technique. They have said about general information related to hereditary diseases and background knowledge of Genomic medicine in a large scale. Then, they have gradually given specific details about such knowledge and at the last sentence they have stated an interesting main idea of their article and brought readers to a body of their article. Their introduction is very interesting. They can make readers, especially who are in the field of medicine, desire to go on reading their article. In my perspective, a general-to-specific technique like their introduction is one of the most interesting techniques for me to practice because this technique usually gives readers general information and background knowledge in a large scale first and then gradually gives more specific details later. It will make almost all of the readers have the same background before start reading a body of article.
The body of the “Genomic Medicine – A Primer” has been composed of six sections. Each section has provided various specific details. As a whole, the authors have given a great deal of specific information related to Genomic medicine since the past until now and particular knowledge about many hereditary diseases caused by a variety of the mutations of human genes. By reading the body of the article, there are considerable interesting techniques to make this article reliable that I want to practice.
First, the authors have demonstrated some details of the in-depth knowledge by using illustrations. This technique helps readers understand some difficult points easily. It is unnecessary to explain some of the difficult points by using only text. In fact, many writers always use illustrations to explain what they want their readers to understand; however, the challenging point of using illustration would not be choosing pictures to illustrate but ,actually, it would be the way to make the text and the illustration still coherent. When the authors have used illustrations, they would have given some explanations about those points before linking it to the illustrations. Also, they have given some explanations under their figures again. Readers could understand easier what they would like to say and all of the contents are still coherent. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that the authors of this article could use this technique effectively.
What’s more, the authors of the “Genomic Medicine – A Primer” have also used some examples to make readers understand more clearly. For instance, they have given two cases of patients suffering with different hereditary diseases to explain how knowledge of Genomic medicine could lead to better management of common medical conditions. Besides, they have also given references through out their article. The authors have accumulated this article by reviewing both of the general and the specific knowledge from a large number of references. Of course, they havn’t forgotten to include the titles of all references they had reviewed. These techniques make this article reliable.
For the conclusion of the “Genomic Medicine – A Primer”, the authors have summarized the entire knowledge provided in the body part into only one last paragraph, so readers could remind all of the knowledge they should have learnt by reading this article. This technique is significantly interesting and very useful for summarizing articles, especially long articles like this one. After we give many information and knowledge, it is good to remind readers what we want to tell them. Therefore, unsurprisingly, to become a full-fledged participating member of my academic community, it is necessary for me to practice this type of conclusion.
To summarize, for the information mentioned above, there can be no doubt that there are a great number of knowledge including all styles of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion that I desire to acquire and have to practice to become a competent member in the field of Genomic medicine. Therefore, this class will play an important role in shaping my thought and help me become an effective writer in my field.
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